Archivi tag: Petra BERNSTEIN

Mostra fotografica internazionale: Through your Lens

Torna la fotografia internazionale a cura di Monteoliveto Gallery alla Casa Museo Spazio Tadini dal 1-26 Giugno 2022. Dopo due anni di pandemia che hanno impedito il ritorno in presenza dei nostri eventi comuni, ricominciamo lì dove ci eravamo fermati, dalla mostra che era prevista nel 2020 : Through your Lens – Attraverso la tua lente. Una mostra dedicata alla fotografia in tutte le sue forme e in tutte le sue espressioni.

Gli artisti presentati saranno :Petra Bernstein (USA) – Patricia Borges (Brazil) – Moufida Bouamari (France / Algeria) – Elisabeth Chauvin (France) – Eunnym Cho (USA) – Audrey Christ (France) – Benny De Grove (Belgium) – Monique de Luca Tupputi Schinosa (Italy / France) – Talia Duclos (Peru) – Megan J. Harmer (Australia) – Jean Marc La Roque (Australia) – Peter J. Sherman (United Kingdom / Sweden) – Annette Schreiber (USA)

Dal 1° al 26 giugno 2022 nelle sale della Casa Museo Spazio Tadini a Milano saranno presentate le fotografie di 13 artisti internazionali della Monteoliveto Gallery. Ognuno porterà la sua personale visione del mondo attraverso la sua lente, a colori o in bianco e nero, sull’umano o sulla natura, variando su tutte le tecniche fotografiche e di stampa.

Petra Bernstein (USA) – The artwork in this exhibit was inspired by the flowers in my garden in Maryland and created throughtout the summer of 2020. Is used a double exposure tchnique that allows me to create a unique space. This melting effect creates a magical union between my painting and my photography.

Patricia Borges (Brasile)Broken economic models incentivize the degradation of land, destroy ecosystems and fuel climate change. Without getting on a plane for several months due to the travel restrictions imposed by the pandemic, I decided to build reminders of geographic formations in an attempt to evoke the poignancy and melancholy that come with the disappearance of something beautiful in the natural world. In a reverse mining process, I build my landscapes with deposits of ferric oxides, rust and salts. I fly over the uninhabited Akhenaton archipelago with its landscapes of eternal sun – terra incognita. Once again I play with the concept of truth, using fake images and real news.

Moufida Bouamari (Francia/Algeria) – ROOTS Il y a un équilibre à trouver entre l’enseignement hérité du passé et la recherche de nouveaux chemins. Vivre son appartenance à plusieurs cultures comme un bienfait, où ils s’embrassent fraternellement quelques soient les chemins pris. Mon choix s’est naturellement porté sur les bijoux car ils véhiculent une charge symbolique où «la parure apparaît avant tout comme un objet protecteur traduisant l’expression de la force. Il véhicule souvent des légendes, des symboles et des traditions

Elisabeth Chauvin (Francia) – Se nourrir, le temps d’un repas, on partage quoi ? Autant de questions, de réponses, De situations, prémices de nos vies intimes et d’ événements quotidiens Ce que l’on a, ce qu l’on apprte, un peu de soi mère nature, notre lien au temps et à la nourriture. Le retour du marché, il convient d’honorer la nature, généreuse. Et les immortelles, quel voyage reste à parcourir, le meilleur chemin reste le proche de nous-même. La nature et l’eau ne font qu’un.

Eunnym Cho (USA) – Looking into the Lives – Looking into the lives began while looking for unique elements from various spots. I was driven into vivid color and dynamic lights around for the first. While appreciating those elements, I became more aware of the inhabitants especially those who were alone. Solitary figures in a very public space. A flood of questions arose. What are they staring at? What are they thinking? What are their stories behind? The mind creates questions; the camera creates answers. I set out to photograph, using the point of view of a storyteller. Under a serene state of mind, I tried to depict their stories, expressions, and moods.

Audrey Christ (Francia) – Ce qui m’attire est le lointain. Ce qu’on peut deviner au travers de la ligne. La perpective de l’ailleurs et de l’autrement. Hors temps, hors espace. Une photographie qui porte au hors champs.

Benny De Grove (Belgio) – Memories about our beloved ones, departed or long time not seen, FADE and get blurry and, bit by bit, become more rusty in our minds. These series are also about the transition from one state of subject matter to another.

Monique de Luca Tupputi Schinosa (Italia/Francia) – Comme sur les touches noires et blanches d’un piano, l’homme aussi a son “Tempo” qui influence son état d’esprit, ses mouvements et ses décisions. C’est le pentagramme de sa vie. Pour le poète Octavio Paz, “Le rythme n’est pas une mesure ; c’est une vision du monde”.

Talia Duclos (Perù) – This Project was carried out in India, the idea was to take photographic shots finding myself in some type of vehicle, be it car, motorcycle taxi, bus. So they are very authentic and spontaneous shots and without the possibility of improving frames and without “second chances”. With the camera stalking at all times, they are basically found photographs.

Megan J. Harmer (Australia)As a visual creator, my interest in photography began many moons ago. My photos that feature in this exhibition have been inspired by the symbolism formed by the stars in the night sky. Created from a spark of spontaneity and experimentation, hairs trimmed from a paint brush fall organically into position to create a bold black and white contrast, then selected brush hairs moved into shape form the interesting  compositions. I have since transformed these photographs into fashion items like scarves, bags and clothing.

Jean Marc La Roque (Australia) – The tunnel shot was taken on assignment for the Victoria Desalination Plant, a water desalination plant in Dalyston, on the Bass Coast in southern Victoria, Australia. The tunnel run under the sea for about 2km. The Stick Shed is a type of grain storage facility built in Victoria during the early 1940s. The Marmalake / Murtoa Grain Store No.1 was built in 1941-42 during a wheat glut, to store wheat that could not be exported during World War II. It is the earliest & last remaining example of this particular grand Australian rural vernacular tradition. Situated in Murtoa, out on the Wimmera plains between Horsham and St Arnaud. It is now National Heritage Listed.

Peter J. Sherman (Regno Unito/Svezia)Peter Sherman is a painter, photographer, choreographer and collector of movement. His art centres entirely around dance and performance and as such he has worked with professional and amateur dancers as well as people without any dance education, all in his search for movements. Peter met Smirja in the beginning of 2019 and when she performed, he saw something that he had only seen before in professionally trained dancers. A complete sense of control of the space around her, body flow and an acute awareness of the music playing. He asked her if she had had professional dance training. The answer was no. He was astounded and even more so when he found out about her fight against idiopathic scoliosis. Peter has dedicated this exhibition to this astounding and courageous artist.

Annette Schreiber (USA) Architects express their personality and life in buildings they create. I am using the architect’s creativity combined with my own to express what is important to me with enough room for the viewer to find his own meaning and vision.

International photography is back at the Monteoliveto Gallery in collaboration with Casa Museo Spazio Tadini. After two years of pandemic that prevented the return in presence of our common events, we start again where we stopped, from the exhibition that was scheduled for 2020 : Through your Lens. An exhibition dedicated to photography in all its forms and in all its expressions. From the 1st to the 26th of June 2022, the photographs of 13 international artists from the Monteoliveto Gallery will be presented in the rooms of the Casa Museo Spazio Tadini in Milan. Each one will bring his own personal vision of the world through his lens, in color or black and white, on humans or on nature, varying on all photographic and printing techniques.

The artists presented will be:

Petra Bernstein (USA) – Patricia Borges (Brazil) – Moufida Bouamari (France / Algeria) – Elisabeth Chauvin (France) – Eunnym Cho (USA) – Audrey Christ (France) – Benny De Grove (Belgium) – Monique de Luca Tupputi Schinosa (Italy / France) – Talia Duclos (Peru) – Megan J. Harmer (Australia) – Jean Marc La Roque (Australia) – Peter J. Sherman (United Kingdom / Sweden) – Annette Schreiber (USA)

We wait for you at the vernissage:

Wednesday the 1st of June 2022 from 6.30pm to 9pm

Casa Museo Spazio Tadini

Via Niccolò Jommelli 24, 20131, Milan

PhotoFestival e Photoweek con autori internazionali a Spazio Tadini

PhotoFestival e Photoweek alla Casa Museo Spazio Tadini: Il mondo, le città, le sue meraviglie raccontate da più di 20 fotografi provenienti da varie parti del mondo. Dall’8 giugno al 8 luglio 2018. In mostra: Photography#cities ; Omaggio alla meraviglia di Luigi Alloni; Luca De Bono e la fotografia astronomica.

Alla Casa Museo Spazio Tadini un vero e proprio Festival della fotografia grazie a tre mostre che raccontano, con soggetti diversi, il mondo che ormai più ci appartiene.

BARROW Christchurch

Quello delle città, delle metropoli è in mostra con Photography#Cities organizzata in collaborazione con Monteoliveto Gallery che raggruppa scatti di autori provenienti dall’Australia, dall’America, dall’Europa a rappresentare la vita urbana. Una visione di metropoli di culture diverse ormai sempre più simili. In mostra: Sam BARROW (Nuova Zelanda), Petra BERNSTEIN (Germania), Talia DUCLOS (Perù),  Raimund FEITER (Germania), Mark FORD (Germania), Ans JACOBS (Paesi Bassi), Olga LOSCHININA (Russia), Sarah LYNCH (Australia),  Hedy MAIMANN (Austria),  James NIVEN (Nuova Zelanda), Kristine NOELLE (USA),  Michael PANTUSO (USA),  Annette SCHREIBER (Germania),  Serenella SOSSI (Italia/Francia), Benny DE GROVE (Belgio).

Luigi Alloni daily nose-up in Milan

Il mondo nelle sue spettacolarità create dall’uomo e naturali si svela attraverso l’occhio fotografico di Luigi Alloni, con la mostra Omaggio alla meraviglia dove ci si può incantare di fronte alla bellezza di un campo di lavanda tanto quanto di fronte ad’urchitettura.

luca de bono

Poi c’è il cielo, il firmamento, quel mondo che ci appartiene e che resta lontano, ma che la fotografia di Luca De Bono con la mostra Fotografia Astronomica, a cura di Roberto Mutti, ci riporta ad una dimensione del visibile, del terreno.

Le mostre si articolano in sale diverse della Casa Museo che ha in permanenza la mostra di Emilio Tadini, pittore e scrittore a cui è dedicata la casa museo e che, sempre dal 8 giugno all’8 luglio ospita la mostra straordinaria dell’artista australiano per la prima volta in Italia, Ian Kinsford Smith: Narrative Fragments of Life in collaborazione con Monteoliveto Gallery.


Casa Museo Spazio Tadini (fondata da Francesco Tadini e Melina Scalise)


Da mercoledì a sabato dalle 15.30 alle 19.30

Domenica dalle 15 alle 18.30


Biglietto per visitare tutte le mostre e, a richiesta, con breve visita guidata gratuita alla collezione Tadini 5 euro.

Photography#Cities 8 giugno- 8 luglio Spazio Tadini

Milano, Spazio Tadini (fondato da Francesco Tadini e Melina Scalise) mostra fotografica con 15 fotografi provenienti da diverse parti del mondo per raccontare le metropoli contemporanee a cura di Monteolivero Gallery#Photography#Cities Un grande evento dedicato alla passione per la foto unito all’interesse verso le città contemporanee, le metropoli nelle loro evoluzioni architettoniche, urbanistiche e sociali, che vede fotografi provenienti da varie parti del mondo. La mostra è inserita all’internodi Photweek e Photofestival. (English version)

In mostra dall’8 giugno all’8 luglio con #Photography#Cities

Sam BARROW (Nuova Zelanda), Petra BERNSTEIN (Germania), Talia DUCLOS (Perù),  Raimund FEITER (Germania), Mark FORD (Germania), Ans JACOBS (Paesi Bassi), Olga LOSCHININA (Russia), Sarah LYNCH (Australia),  Hedy MAIMANN (Austria),  James NIVEN (Nuova Zelanda), Kristine NOELLE (USA),  Michael PANTUSO (USA),  Annette SCHREIBER (Germania),  Serenella SOSSI (Italia/Francia), Benny DE GROVE (Belgio)

I fotografi selezionati dalla Galleria Monteoliveto rappresentano le loro città contribuendo a tracciare un profilo delle metropoli del mondo che supera le barriere culturali e linguistiche per rappresentare un nuovo modello di vita e di socialità.

La mostra si svolge a Milano, durante la Photo Week e il Photofestival (guarda calendario), seguendo l’idea avviata con successo da Francesco Tadini ovvero la costituzione del gruppo PhotoMilano Passione (e non solo) per la fotografia che ha sede presso la Casa Museo Spazio Tadini. Lo scopo del gruppo costituito da un anno da Tadini ha raccolto già più di 2500 iscritti e si concentra sulla città di Milano, ampliando questo tema alle città contemporanee nel mondo.

Milano sta vivendo un momento particolarmente ricco dal punto di vista artistico, culturale e turistico. La Casa Museo  Spazio Tadini, parte del circuito d’arte contemporanea di Milano, contribuisce ad arricchire l’offerta ospitando grandi mostre oltre ad una permanente dedicata a Emilio Tadini pittore e scrittore tra i più interessanti del 900 italiano. La casa museo è inserita nel circuito  Storie Milanesi.

L’edificio che ospita la mostra è stato sede e studio di uno dei più significativi pittori e scrittori del ‘900 milanese: Emilio Tadini, spazio aperto oggi agli artisti e alla cultura con particolare attenzione ai giovani e all’avanguardia.

Monteoliveto Gallery selects 20 photographers who will realize 2 photos illustrating their own particulate feeling for contemporary cities.

The exhibition will take place in Milan, very important city highly focused on Photography and our exhibition will follow the idea opened by Spazio Tadini for Photography Passion for Milan Contemporary City and widen this theme to all our contemporary cities in the world.

The 20 photographers selected will thus be invited to propose 2 images of their particular feeling of what is a nowadays city in contemporary art especially through the eyes of Photography.

The Milan region is particularly sensitive to artistic events. And the Home Museum Spazio Tadini, part of the contemporary art circuit in Milan, hosted major shows and exhibitions such as the Milan Triennale, a show by Dario Fo Nobel Prize for literature, dance and art events.

Spazio Tadini Home Museum is one of the town’s museum houses in Milan within the circuit Storie Milanesi which gathers 15 cities places where lived personalities who have made an artistic and cultural contribution to the city.

This building was home and studio of one of the most significant painters and writers of the Milanese ‘900: Emilio Tadini.This place was dedicated to art and culture founded by Francesco Tadini, his son, film director and television writer and Melina Scalise, a psychologist and journalist, who then became his wife. The idea was to let Emilio Tadini remember a vital and purposeful for art and culture in Milan. In this place, there’s a lot about him, his paintings, his study alcove with sink and brushes still intact and many of his books and notebooks. But it is not only a place of memory, a contemplative museum of the past, but vital and proactive, open to artists and culture as well as Emilio Tadini was attentive to young people and avant-garde. Today his studio houses works by artists young and old, known and unknown, Italian and foreign. A very special location to exhibit your special artworks we think.